Health TipsWhat You Need to Know About Asthma Medicine

What You Need to Know About Asthma Medicine – Asthma medicine is the most common form of treatment for a person with the condition. Inhalers are the primary form of treatment, although there are also tablets. Asthma patients should create a personal action plan detailing their medicines, monitoring of their condition, and how to respond to an asthma attack. If a patient is experiencing a recurrence of asthma, a combination of inhalers may be used.

Using Combination of Drugs as Therapy

Another treatment method is called SMART. It uses a combination of medicines as a quick-relief and controller therapy. The patient takes this medicine several times a day, depending on their age and the severity of their asthma. The dosage varies between patients, but the combination of two or three different medicines can control asthma symptoms for up to 12 hours. Although these medications are generally safe, they can cause side effects, including chest pain and tremors.

Those with asthma often develop symptoms as young children, so it’s important to identify a trigger early. Children with asthma may be diagnosed with a condition known as reactive airway disease. Adult-onset asthma can occur at any age, and up to 30% of all asthma triggers are allergies. Other factors, including female gender, viral infections, and obesity, can contribute to adult-onset asthma. There is also a strong association between exercise and asthma.

There are several types of asthma medicines, and the doses of each will depend on the severity of your condition. For example, if you’ve been suffering from asthma attacks for more than two weeks, you can decrease the doses of some medications and add another type. If your symptoms have become more severe or frequent, you may want to step up your treatment plan. If you’re not seeing a significant reduction in your symptoms, it’s best to visit a doctor as soon as possible to determine whether your asthma treatment needs to be adjusted.

Infusion Can Be Given Intravenously

Infusions can be given intravenously in a doctor’s office. A needle is inserted into a vein in the arm and a bag of medicine drips into the bloodstream. These medicines, known as bronchodilators, open the airways and reduce swelling. They are also considered anti-inflammatories. But how effective are these medications? Your doctor will be able to prescribe the right medication for you.

Another type of asthma medication is a biologic. These medicines are tailored to the patient’s body’s immune response. They can help the body fight off specific triggers and reduce asthma symptoms. The use of biologics may be the answer for some people with severe uncontrollable asthma. This treatment is not without risks, however. If you’re looking for the best treatment for your asthma, consider a combination of treatments that can help you live a full life without worrying about your condition.

If you’re concerned about taking too much medication, your doctor may recommend SMART. This type of medicine uses only one inhaler, which decreases your exposure to corticosteroids. SMART also helps you manage an asthma attack. Your action plan will describe how to control your asthma for the long term and how to deal with asthma attacks in the event of an attack. You’ll also need to know when to call your doctor or go to the emergency room.

Opens Airway and Reduces Swelling

Bronchodilator medications: These medications open up your airways and reduce swelling. Bronchodilators are often prescribed for moderate to severe asthma. They prevent nighttime symptoms, but have been linked to severe asthma attacks. Usually used with an inhaled corticosteroid, salmeterol is the most commonly prescribed medication for asthma. This medication should not be used alone, though. If you experience severe asthma attacks, you should seek emergency medical attention immediately.

Anti-inflammatory medicine: Inhaled corticosteroids are used as long-term asthma medicine. They work by reducing swelling in the airways. By doing this, the airways are less sensitive to asthma triggers. Other medicines may be used to treat symptoms, including anti-inflammatory drugs. Asthma medicine should be taken daily and not sporadically, as discontinuing treatment can worsen the condition. Your doctor will give you the right medication based on your diagnosis and health history.

Pulmonary function tests are done to determine how sensitive your airways are to environmental triggers. Using a peak flow meter helps diagnose asthma and determine the appropriate medication. By identifying these triggers, your physician can improve lung function, reduce your dosage, and reduce your overall asthma medicine. If possible, discuss ways to eliminate triggers from your home or work environment. These medications can be very helpful in controlling the symptoms of asthma and managing the condition.


Canonica, Giorgio W., et al. “Asthma: personalized and precision medicine.” Current opinion in allergy and clinical immunology 18.1 (2018): 51-58.

Raynor, David K., et al. “We are the experts: people with asthma talk about their medicine information needs.” Patient education and counseling 53.2 (2004): 167-174.


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