Health TipsGreen Laser Prostate Surgery

Green Laser Prostate Surgery – You can have Green Laser Prostate Surgery without undergoing a radical procedure. Most of the surgery is done under a general anesthetic and patients are allowed to go home the same day. A telescopic camera is inserted into the penis and used to view the prostate’s internal surface. The GreenLight laser beam is then directed at the prostate’s surface and vaporizes the prostate tissue in an almost bloodless manner.

Green Light Laser Device Emitting Energy Rays

The Green Light Laser device emits a beam of laser energy that has an affinity for hemoglobin pigment, a component of red blood cells. The laser’s affinity for hemoglobin vaporizes the cells and virtually eliminates bleeding. The vapor is then eliminated through a continuous irrigation system. Because the procedure seals the blood vessels of the prostate, patients are able to go home the same day. The flow of urine is substantially improved and the patient can void spontaneously the day after the procedure.

After Green Laser Prostate Surgery, a catheter is placed in the penis or bladder to drain urine. The catheter is removed three to four days after surgery. After the surgery, patients can follow up with the physician to have the catheter removed. Depending on the size of their prostate, the time the patient stays on the catheter will vary. Larger prostates will require a longer time. After the catheter is removed, patients should experience an improved urinary stream. A little burning may be felt when urinating, but this should diminish with time.

The benefits of Green Laser Prostate Surgery far outweigh the risks. The GreenLight laser is 90% effective in treating benign enlarged prostates. However, it may cause urinary incontinence and pain in approximately one percent of patients. Fortunately, it can cure patients of BPH and restore the natural flow of urine. The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. The vast majority of patients experience rapid relief from BPH symptoms and improved urinary flow.

Fast Effective and Painless Procedure

Green Light Laser Prostate Surgery is a minimally invasive procedure. The doctor inserts a small fiber through the cystoscope into the urethra and uses the high-powered green light laser to vaporize prostatic tissue. The procedure is repeated until all obstructing tissue is removed. This procedure has fewer risks and side effects than traditional TURP surgery. The procedure is fast, effective, and painless, and the patient will no longer have to undergo catheterization after the procedure.

There are risks associated with any surgical procedure, and Green Laser Prostate Surgery is no exception. While you’ll be under general anesthesia, the anesthesia used to perform this procedure will numb your lower abdomen. Similar to vaginal delivery and c-section surgeries, spinal anesthesia will cause a numb sensation. After the procedure, you can resume normal sexual activities. A couple of weeks after your surgery, you’ll be back to your normal self.

While TURP is the gold standard treatment for BPH, there are many advantages to Green Light Laser Prostate Surgery. Its fewer complications and shorter recovery time make it a preferred treatment option for patients who can’t come off blood-thinning medications. The procedure is usually performed in less than an hour, while a standard TURP can take up to two days. Green Laser Prostate Surgery is a great option for patients who are on medication that thins the blood.

Popular Choice for Patients with Prostate Patients

Because Green Light Laser Prostate Surgery is a minimally invasive procedure, it’s a popular option for patients with BPH. Green Laser Prostate Surgery uses a green light laser beam to vaporize the inner portion of the prostate gland. This removes the problematic tissue and improves the patient’s quality of life. It’s also safe and effective, and patients can return home the same day. The procedure is also painless and requires little follow-up.

If you are a candidate for this procedure, your primary care physician must check you for any other health issues you may have. Your physician will check your heart and lungs, as well as order a chest x-ray. X-rays and EKGs will also be performed prior to surgery. Your surgeon will advise you on any medications you may need to take before undergoing surgery. In addition, you should not be taking antibiotics or other medications. You should not have any implanted devices or heart conditions before undergoing XPS.


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