Health TipsThe Spinal Fusion Procedure

The Spinal Fusion Procedure – A spinal fusion is a type of surgery that uses a bone graft to fuse vertebrae together. The graft may come from a bone bank or a patient’s own body. The surgeon places metal plates between the vertebrae to keep them from moving apart. In some cases, the surgeon will remove a portion of the back structure to relieve pressure on the spinal nerves. The bone graft and vertebral bone will grow together over time.

Undergoing Fixation with a Spinal Fusion Type of Procedure

The primary purpose of the posterior cervical fusion procedure is to relieve pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots. The procedure is performed using a surgical approach from the back of the body. The patient lies face down during the procedure, and the surgeon makes an incision in the skin on the back of the neck over the vertebrae that need to be treated. Bone spurs or lamina may need to be removed. The patient may need to undergo different types of fixation depending on the type of spinal fusion procedure.

A posterior approach is more difficult than an anterior approach. The areas above and below the spine are at greater risk of pain and wear. It is not uncommon for patients to experience further problems after the fusion procedure if they are in poor physical condition. This is why it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle. You should eat well and exercise regularly. Those who smoke or have poor blood sugar levels may have an increased risk of complications after fusion.

In the past, the only option for increasing material for vertebrae fusion was a bone graft from the patient’s pelvis. This bone, called an autograft, is used only in certain cases, and it requires a second incision during the operation. The patient may experience increased pain after the operation if their pelvis has been removed. Another option is to use bone from a previous decompression procedure. This type of bone graft is called a local autograft.

Benefits of OLIF Include Reduced Post-Surgery Risk

There are several advantages of an OLIF, including reduced postoperative risks. Minimal invasive fusion surgeries use fluoroscopic imaging to implant instruments and prepare the sacroiliac joint. Minimally invasive surgery allows for a quicker recovery and less risk of complications. There are several factors that the surgeon will consider when deciding which procedure is best for you. This type of surgery is recommended if you’re unable to tolerate an open procedure.

Before performing an instrumented spinal fusion, you should know that this type of surgery requires extensive post-operative documentation. Besides removing fibrous tissue, it also involves the addition of new bone grafts. Moreover, multiple vertebral joints must be treated with separate procedure codes. Moreover, each joint has a distinct device and qualifier. Anterior column fusion is coded separately from posterior column fusion. The root operation Fusion, on the other hand, may not include fixation devices.

If you’re suffering from lower back pain, a spinal fusion may be the right solution. It can restore the normal curve of the spine. The graft material is placed between the vertebrae to help the spine fuse back into a single, rigid bone. The fusion procedure is a safe, effective and long-term solution to lower-back pain. It can also help improve the quality of your life. If you’re suffering from pain or numbness due to a spinal fusion, this surgery can provide you with long-term relief from your symptoms.

Considering Physical Rehabilitation for Spinal Fusion

The surgery is performed in the hospital under general anesthesia. Because the patient is not conscious, they will not feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. While the procedure is performing, you’ll lie in a hospital bed with a blood pressure cuff on your arm and a heart monitor lead on your chest. The surgery will take a couple of hours. Your recovery time will depend on the type of fusion performed. If you’re in need of a spinal fusion, it may be time to consider physical rehabilitation.

Patients recovering from spinal fusion surgery should expect to stay in the hospital for one to three nights following surgery. They should be encouraged to walk on the day of surgery. Physical therapy will begin six weeks after the procedure. Patients must refrain from lifting more than 50 pounds for several weeks. This restriction is meant to minimize strain on the spine and decrease the chances of an adjacent segment problem. If you are concerned about this restriction, talk to your doctor. If you’re considering having spinal fusion surgery, make sure you discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.

There are two main approaches for spinal fusion surgery. Anterior approach involves a transverse approach through the lower back while posterior technique uses an anterior-posterior approach. With either approach, a patient’s spine is fused through the lower back and abdomen. Both methods use screws to provide stability to the spine during healing. It is important to ask your surgeon about the most appropriate type of bone graft material. Once you decide on a method of spine fusion, your surgeon will choose the materials.


Fischer, Charla R., et al. “A systematic review of comparative studies on bone graft alternatives for common spine fusion procedures.” European Spine Journal 22.6 (2013): 1423-1435.

Rao, Shilpa B., et al. “Risk factors for surgical site infections following spinal fusion procedures: a case-control study.” Clinical infectious diseases 53.7 (2011): 686-692.


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