Health TipsWhat Is Strep Throat? Causes and Treatment

What Is Strep Throat? Causes and Treatment – You may have wondered, “What is strep throat?” In this article, you will learn the signs and symptoms of this infection. Your physician will perform a physical exam and will order laboratory tests to diagnose the bacterial infection. The doctor will determine if your throat contains a bacterial culture or whether the condition is caused by an antigen, DNA, or rapid antigen test. The diagnosis may take a few days, but it usually clears up within a week.

Bacterial Infections Sore Throat Symptoms

Is a bacterial infection caused by group A streptococcal bacteria? It is very contagious and spreads easily among people. It is particularly contagious in households with more than one child, as well as child care centers and schools. Adults may also catch the disease. Adults who work around children are also vulnerable. While many people can contract strep throat, it’s important to see a doctor immediately if you notice symptoms of strep throat.

Fortunately, strep throat is highly treatable with antibiotics. However, if you suspect that you might have strep bacteria, you can treat the symptoms by taking over-the-counter pain relievers like acetaminophen. Taking hot or cold baths with lemon and honey or drinking fruit juice can help soothe your sore throat. Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics for you, but only if you have a positive test. Ultimately, the best way to cure strep throat is to get treated with antibiotics.

What Is Strep Thorough? – How Does it Spread? – The bacteria that causes strep throat spread by close contact with people with the disease. People can get infected simply by touching a surface contaminated with bacteria or sharing personal items. Infection can be transferred to others through coughing, sneezing, or touching contaminated objects. Most often, the infection will occur in children and teens, but adults can also be infected.

Main Symptoms of Sore Throat

The primary symptom of strep throat is a sore, scratchy throat. While the pain is generally moderate to severe, many sufferers experience high fever. Other symptoms of strep throat include body aches, headaches, and nausea. Some people experience a rash or scarlet fever. While the symptoms of strep throat aren’t always present, they can still be serious.

Treatment for strep throat involves antibiotics. These medicines come in liquid or pill form, and are typically taken for 10 days. Even if you feel better, it’s important to take the medication as directed by your doctor to ensure complete clearance of the infection. However, do not ignore any warning signs or symptoms that may signal a different infection. Aspirin can cause Reye’s syndrome, a potentially life-threatening infection that has serious consequences.

Symptoms of strep throat can be hard to recognize because they are so similar to other kinds of sore throat. The most common symptom is a fever, which can range anywhere from 100 to 100.4 F. There are also many other symptoms that are not specific to strep throat, including cough and acetaminophen. Because strep throat is contagious, you can spread the infection for days before you notice the symptoms. If you are diagnosed with strep throat, you should begin antibiotics as soon as possible to reduce your symptoms and prevent it from spreading to others.

Ways That Can Help Prevent the Spread of Bacteria

During this time, your doctor may recommend that you wash your hands frequently. Washing your hands after coughing and sneezing will also help to prevent the spread of bacteria. When using a restroom, make sure to use tissue to cover your mouth and nose. Avoid touching your face or sharing utensils and sneezing with others. Lastly, try to keep your mouth and sneezing covered with a tissue or sleeve.

Your doctor may recommend that you drink plenty of water. Cold and hot temperatures will help numb your throat. Also, avoid sharing personal items with people who have strep throat. Try to avoid smoking and secondhand smoke while treating your infection. If you do have strep throat, you should not sneeze onto others. Use a straw to drink liquids down the middle of the throat.

Antibiotic treatment is required for strep throat. Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics for 10 days to treat the infection. While many cases of strep throat do clear up on their own, others may need more medication to avoid complications. Antibiotics can also be given by shot. Once your doctor gives you antibiotics, your child will be on his or her way to being healthy again in a few days.


Centor, Robert M., et al. “The diagnosis of strep throat in adults in the emergency room.” Medical Decision Making 1.3 (1981): 239-246.

Bisno, A. L., Peter, G. S., & Kaplan, E. L. (2002). Diagnosis of strep throat in adults: are clinical criteria really good enough?. Clinical infectious diseases35(2), 126-129.


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