Health TipsCold Sore Stages Treatment

Cold Sore Stages Treatment – Despite the widespread knowledge of the symptoms and treatment of cold sores, there are still some factors that are unknown. These factors may include contact with someone who has the virus, minor trauma in the lip area, getting sick, or even exposure to cold sores. While cold sores are highly contagious, only about 20 percent of people get them. However, those that do can get the condition through any number of triggers, including contact with contagious cold sores, minor trauma near the lip area, or getting sick.

Try Home Remedies to Reduce Pain

Prescription drugs, over-the-counter creams, and home remedies can help you manage outbreaks and prevent future ones. The use of antiviral ointments can be helpful, although these drugs may not cure the condition. Over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medicines may help relieve symptoms and reduce the duration of cold sores. However, if over-the-counter medications are ineffective, you may want to try a home remedy to reduce pain.

When a cold sore is first appearing, it will often be painful and will be covered by a red blister. This is called the “blister stage.” If it doesn’t heal within 15 days, the sore will break open. If you’re not careful, it will be prone to recurring. You’ll want to limit your contact with others until your sores have completely healed. While a prescription antiviral can help you treat your symptoms and reduce the duration of the outbreak, you’ll want to avoid kissing anyone who has an open sore. Cold or warm compresses can also help ease the pain caused by cold sores.

After the tingling stage, you may notice a blistering stage. A blister is visible, with clear fluid and red skin. It can be on your lips, cheeks, or throat. During this stage, you may need a pain reliever, oral medication, or topical cream. Drink lots of water during this time to keep the sore clean. Although it’s best to avoid contact with the affected area, it’s highly contagious and can spread easily.

Early Stages for Treating a Cold Sore

You’ll likely notice a blister bursting at day four. This will result in a crusted blister that will eventually scab over. This scab will eventually fall off, but it will be contagious until the cold sore is fully healed. It will be best to treat the cold sore in its early stages rather than wait for it to heal entirely. Then you can return to your normal life and resume a normal routine.

Antiviral medications can also be effective. If you get cold sores often, your doctor may prescribe an antiviral medication. Taking oral medication can be a good option if you’re worried about the risk of developing a severe outbreak. However, if you have occasional outbreaks, you might want to skip the pills for now. If you aren’t comfortable taking a pill every day, try a topical pain reliever such as lidocaine. You should also avoid kissing blisters as the cold sore virus spreads most easily when the fluid leaks from blisters.

Cold sores are a common viral infection. Typically, they appear on the lips or cheeks, but can also appear on the eye, nose, or genitals. Treatment options vary depending on the severity of the outbreak, the type of trigger, and the length of the outbreak. Home remedies may help you manage cold sores during the early stages. These home remedies can help shorten the outbreak and improve the symptoms.

Cream Relieves Symptoms and Speeds Up the Healing Process

The initial stage of a cold sore usually takes a week or two to heal without medication. However, some people develop reoccurring outbreaks, so treatment options are important. For the first few days, it may be helpful to apply antiviral creams. These can be purchased over-the-counter at a pharmacy without a prescription. These creams may relieve some of the symptoms and speed up the healing process.

Although cold sores are not dangerous, they can be painful and can lead to secondary infections if they are not treated. You should avoid picking or breaking your cold sore as this can lead to a secondary infection. If pain persists, you can apply ice to soothe the blisters. Simple painkillers may also be necessary. Povidone-iodine ointments can help relieve the pain.

In addition to applying topical creams, there are also other treatments available that can reduce the appearance of cold sores and shorten the healing time. One such product is the Luminance RED, which works by stimulating immune cells to produce extra energy. The Luminance RED can also prevent future outbreaks. The treatment is simple: the device is held one centimeter away from the affected area. The treatment is aimed at reducing the size of the outbreak while preventing its spread.


Karlsmark, Tonny, et al. “Randomized clinical study comparing Compeed® cold sore patch to acyclovir cream 5% in the treatment of herpes simplex labialis.” Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology 22.10 (2008): 1184-1192.

Morrel, Eric M., et al. “Topical iontophoretic administration of acyclovir for the episodic treatment of herpes labialis: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinic-initiated trial.” Clinical infectious diseases 43.4 (2006): 460-467.


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