Health TipsHallux Varus - Causes and Treatment

Hallux Varus – Causes and Treatment – If you have been diagnosed with Hallux Varus, your first step is to seek treatment. Treatment options include conservative methods such as splinting or serial casting. In some cases, a shoe may be used in place of a cast. Pain and swelling are common after surgery, and ice therapy is recommended 20 minutes a day. In addition to resting, surgical wounds may result in scarring, and your doctor will recommend a specific postoperative care plan.

Surgical Options Include Coronal or Sagittal Plane Joint Reposition

Traditional methods of hallux valgus correction often result in a varus deformity. Surgical options include coronal or sagittal plane joint repositioning. Patients with asymmetric hallux valgus may undergo a lateral constraint graft. This procedure has the potential to improve motion in the first metatarsophalangeal joint. However, there are certain limitations to the technique.

There are many causes of hallux varus. It can be a congenital deformity, an overcorrected bunion, a tight tendon, or a traumatic event to the big toe. While most people suffer from hallux varus because of bunion surgery, other causes can include trauma to the foot. Your doctor will examine your foot and take your medical history to determine the root cause of hallux varus.

Hallux valgus is most common in women. The main cause is high heels, which push the big toe out of alignment. High heels can also encourage this condition. While high heels encourage hallux valgus, women can develop it without wearing high heels. In addition, women are prone to developing this deformity because their connective tissues are weaker. These conditions also increase the likelihood of splayfoot.

Physical Examination for Hallux Valgus

The physical examination for hallux valgus should include a standing alignment assessment and careful examination of the skin lesions. DMAA (Dimension-Microtalangeal Joint Angle) and hallux valgus interphalangeal angle measurements are useful in determining the exact location of the pain. In addition, a reduction position radiograph should be taken in order to assess joint motion. In addition, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be recommended to evaluate the position of the bones, as well as any soft tissue, cartilage, or bone damage.

If you have a congenital hallux varus, it is best to get treated as soon as possible. It is most common in babies but can also be caused by skeletal abnormalities. However, untreated hallux varus can persist into adulthood. In addition, many people who have had other foot surgeries also have hallux varus. In such cases, doctors will perform surgery to correct the deformity and reposition the foot to normal alignment.

Treatment of hallux valgus usually involves a combination of conservative measures and surgery. The aim of treatment is to prevent future problems, such as joint wear, and to restore normal gait and mechanics during walking. Patients can receive full prosthesis or partial prostheses to restore function. The surgery is typically performed in one or two phases, and the patient will continue to be monitored for two weeks before weight-bearing. Once the swelling is gone, the patient can wear regular shoes.

Surgical Treatment That Causes Overcorrection of the Finger

Treatment options for hallux varus vary. Conservative methods, such as repositioning the metatarsal head, are not always effective. In certain cases, patients may need a joint-destroying procedure, such as tibial sesamoidectomy. If conservative treatments fail to correct hallux varus, surgical options include a tibial sesamoidectomy or tibial osteotomy. Surgical treatment may lead to overcorrection of the digit, hallux valgus, and a shortened medial column.

The deformity of hallux valgus usually involves shift of the sesamoid bones. The more these bones shift, the more severe the hallux valgus deformity. The sesamoid bones become dislocated and no longer function as the trochlea, which is the anchor for the big toe’s tendons. Because of this, the normal roll-off process is compromised. The smaller toes must carry more weight during roll-off when walking. The result is increased stress and pressure on the balls and soles of the smaller toes. In extreme cases, the deformity may cause a metatarsalgia.

Conservative treatments for hallux valgus include shoe modification and patient education. Shoes with wide toe boxes accommodate a widened forefoot and heels that are raised to reduce pressure on the forefoot during gait. Patients can also wear bunion splints and toe spacers to correct alignment problems. Some patients may benefit from pads that cushion the medial eminence. In some instances, in-shoe orthotic devices may be used to treat transfer metatarsalgia, but are unlikely to relieve hallux valgus symptoms.


Bevernage, Bernhard Devos, and Thibaut Leemrijse. “Hallux varus: classification and treatment.” Foot and Ankle Clinics 14.1 (2009): 51-65.

Donley, Brian G. “Acquired hallux varus.” Foot & ankle international 18.9 (1997): 586-592.


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