Health TipsLower Back Pain - Common Causes and Treatments

Lower Back Pain – Common Causes and Treatments – If you have experienced lower back pain, you may be looking for a quick fix. The pain generally goes away after a few weeks, but you should always see your doctor if your symptoms are worse or persist. Nonspecific back pain usually clears up on its own, but if your symptoms continue, you should consult your doctor. If you have a specific pain, your physician will likely be able to prescribe an effective treatment.

Pain Reliever and Helps Overcome Back Pain

Many doctors can prescribe over-the-counter pain relievers to help you manage your lower back pain. Common pain relievers include ibuprofen (Advil), Motrin IB, and Tylenol. Avoiding lying on your back for the first few weeks of your pain may also help you avoid further pain. Alternatively, you can lie on your side to reduce the pressure on your lower back. A warm bath or massage can also help you relax stiff muscles and reduce pain. A physician will determine how much you need to take.

If your pain does not respond to over-the-counter pain relievers, your doctor may prescribe a prescription NSAID. If you do not experience relief with over-the-counter medications, your doctor may recommend narcotics for short-term use. In some cases, muscle relaxants and antidepressants may be prescribed. While the evidence is conflicting, it can be helpful in some cases. Physical therapy will help you to strengthen the core muscles and abdominal area that support the spine.

Some types of back pain may have a specific cause. Injury or a sports injury can result in low back pain. You may also experience neurologic symptoms or bowel and bladder dysfunction. The pain may last for two to three weeks or longer. Conservative treatment at home is usually the best option. If your condition is not severe, your physician can prescribe anti-inflammatory medication and suggest limiting activity for a few days. If you have a family history of low back pain, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Causes of Lower Back Pain

Psychological factors contribute to the development of chronic pain. People with a history of depression or addictions should consult their physician if their back pain is chronic. Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety can have a positive impact on the risk of back pain. Smoking can also cause disc degeneration and restrict blood flow to the spine. Additionally, children who are overweight may experience problems with their backs and must rest from activities. These are just some of the causes of lower-back pain.

There are different types of pain. Over-the-counter medications can help you with your lower back pain. You may find that over-the-counter pain relievers are the best way to treat a lower back pain symptom. The over-the-counter medications contain acetaminophen and can help ease the discomfort. Your doctor can also prescribe a prescription medication that can relieve pain and relax your muscles. If these treatments do not work, your doctor can perform a spinal fusion to fix the problem.

There are several types of back pain. In some cases, the pain is due to an injury or a disease. Other times, it may be a degenerative disorder that causes inflammation and swelling of the spine. Some causes of back pain may be related to psychological issues. The most common reason is arthritis, but other conditions may be more serious. The symptoms may be caused by a kidney stone, an infection, or a spinal stenosis.

Massaging the Back Muscles to Relax them

If you suffer from back pain, you can also take over-the-counter pain relievers to relieve the pain. Some of the over-the-counter medications can be ibuprofen (also known as Advil), Motrin IB, and Tylenol. Lieing on your back can be uncomfortable and can cause your pain to worsen. Instead, try to sleep on your side to minimize pressure on your lower back. Another method is to massage the back muscles to relax them.

Some common treatments for back pain include anti-inflammatory drugs, which suppress the inflammation in your back. Opioids are also used to treat the pain. However, some of these medications can cause habituation, which is why they should only be used if the pain has been caused by a recent injury. Medications are also useful for reducing back pain. Some of these medications can be taken over the counter or prescribed by a healthcare provider.


Baker, R. J., & Patel, D. (2005). Lower back pain in the athlete: common conditions and treatment. Primary Care: Clinics in Office Practice32(1), 201-229.

Abu-Naser, S. S., & ALDAHDOOH, R. (2016). Lower back pain expert system diagnosis and treatment.



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