Health TipsFibromyalgia Symptoms and Shoulder Pain

Fibromyalgia Symptoms and Shoulder Pain – If you suspect that you might have Fibromyalgia and shoulder pain, the first step is to see a doctor. A doctor will examine you and take a medical history. If the symptoms are similar to other conditions, a family physician may refer you to a rheumatologist. A rheumatologist specializes in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. They will also ask you about any depression or anxiety.

The Pain That Is Characteristic of Fibromyalgia

The pain that is characteristic of Fibromyalgia is usually throbbing, shooting, or burning, and may radiate from tender points. Some people also experience numbness and stiffness in their limbs. The pain is often worse in the joints and muscles that are frequently used. It also tends to get worse at night.

Physical therapy can help manage Fibromyalgia symptoms. Many treatments focus on increasing the body’s aerobic fitness and stretching sore muscles. However, patients with Fibromyalgia may be reluctant to exercise. It’s important to start slow and build up your endurance. If you do manage to exercise, it may improve your symptoms greatly. You can also seek advice from your doctor to determine the best exercise regime.

If you suspect that you may have Fibromyalgia, your doctor will conduct a comprehensive physical exam to rule out other problems and treat any symptoms you are experiencing. Your doctor will look for tender points and specific areas of pain throughout your body. In addition, a doctor will check your sleep patterns to determine if you suffer from sleep apnea.

Physical Therapy and a Balanced Diet to Improve Health

In addition to physical therapy, you may also need to see a therapist for psychological therapy. While there is no known definitive cure for Fibromyalgia, some people report feeling better when they eat certain foods. It’s important to follow a balanced diet that contains foods that are healthy for your body. It can improve your symptoms and your overall health.

Medications for Fibromyalgia can help control the pain and ease discomfort. Your doctor may prescribe pain medications such as tramadol and acetaminophen. However, these medications can cause other problems that you should discuss with your doctor. These medications can also cause side effects, such as dizziness, drowsiness, and sleep disturbance.

There are several medications for Fibromyalgia, including antidepressants and analgesics. These medications are designed to reduce pain in the spinal cord and brain. Some of these medications target the chemicals in the brain that control communication between nerve cells. However, these medications are not a cure for Fibromyalgia, and may even worsen your symptoms.

A Serious Condition in which the Majority of Sufferers Are Women

Fibromyalgia is a serious condition that affects five million Americans, with most sufferers being women. Most sufferers are in their middle ages. It can occur spontaneously, or be triggered by certain medical conditions. It may also affect people with certain diseases, including cancer, thyroid disease, and multiple sclerosis. In addition to physical symptoms, the condition may be accompanied by mental symptoms, such as depression.

Another important characteristic of Fibromyalgia is fatigue. Most sufferers report feeling tired, even after sleeping. They also report feeling tired during the day and waking up feeling groggy and tired. The fatigue may interfere with their ability to think clearly or remember things. Consequently, it can make it difficult to complete even the most basic daily tasks. This fatigue may also be a cause of sleep disorders.

Muscle fatigue and pain can be caused by many things. Fortunately, with treatment, these symptoms can be alleviated and managed. A healthy attitude can go a long way in helping you live a better life with your condition. While some symptoms may persist for years, you can find relief from Fibromyalgia and Shoulder Pain with a positive outlook and appropriate medications. Genetics are another factor to consider. A study involving 45 FM women showed a strong genetic association with pain and maladaptive coping in women. The authors also found that the polymorphism in the COMT gene may play a role in the pain process.


Macfarlane, Gary J. “Generalized pain, fibromyalgia and regional pain: an epidemiological view.” Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology 13.3 (1999): 403-414.

Mannerkorpi, Kaisa, Carol S. Burckhardt, and Anders Bjelle. “Physical performance characteristics of women with fibromyalgia.” Arthritis & Rheumatism: Official Journal of the American College of Rheumatology 7.3 (1994): 123-129.


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